20 June 2012


The Apartmentites have a new friend- a kitty cat.  She visits in the nighttime when the Master comes home in the evening. Sometimes she waits for the Master along the road and walks him towards the door quietly. Other times she waits for the Master hiding behind one of the outside plants. Once the Master is at the door she pops out and calls out "Meow!"

My view of Caramella with the Plantastics from behind the screen door.
When the Master comes home he usually leaves the big blue door open so Caramella can chat with us. Caramella is a sweet and lovely kitty cat. She rubs her face against the screen door to say hi to everyone. She rolls around on the floor on the opposite side of the screen door while she tells us of the happenings in the neighborhood.  The different cats she played with. The big dogs locked behind metal gates- some nice to them some very territorial and would bark at her. The big rats that she says is as big as her.

The Master is kind enough to give Caramella supper. He shares some of my kitty cat food with her. I don't mind really and Caramella seems to like it. In the beginning she found the dry pebble looking things odd looking. The Master used to mix it with canned Mackerel so that Caramella would eat it and gradually took out the Mackerel. Caramella eventually learned how to eat kitty food.
Our new friend is Orange and White which is why the Master calls her Caramella
The Master once opened the screen door to let her in. The master even said "Come in Caramella." She did and she gave me a big rub on the cheek which was nice. It's been ages since a kitty cat kissed me on the cheek. She sniffed around the apartment for a while. Said hi to Duchess and Walter. The Master asked her "Would you like to live inside the apartment Caramella?"

Caramella gently and quietly stepped out and talked with us some more from the opposite side of the screen door.

The Master and I were a bit surprised that Caramella did not want to live inside the apartment but we were not offended. I did not bother to ask why she did not want to stay with us. She did not bother to explain. We have our own different ways to live and love i guess.

I believe people would term Caramella as as a ferile cat. I would rather call her a neighborhood cat who comes to visit and chat. Not all cats need to be rescued and taken in. All cats - indoors or outdoors- do need to be treated with love and respect. 

06 June 2012

Miss Kathrine Gold and Duchess

Welcome to Apartment GF1 Miss Kathrine Gold (pronounced as Ka-trine, the “h” is silent) 
and daughter Duchess.

The Master was kind enough to have a bed made for himself and me, a big one for the Master and a small one for me. The Master is quite sweet. Now we both have two beds in the apartment.

I have it on good authority that Mister Ben is now enjoying himself in Grandma's House. I enjoy my time there immensely and I have such fun stories to tell Mister Ben from my trips. Now he can experience first-hand of the life that is in Grandma's house. Granny's place is one big playground of wonder, lots of places to jump and hide. Mister Ben will love it there. They also have several Beds that Mister Ben can exchange stories with.

The new arrivals in the apartment are Miss Kathrine and her daughter Duchess. Miss Kathrine is properly speaking the Master's bed. Duchess is supposed to be my bed. It is strange for the Master to have a bed made for me when he knows perfectly well that I am very much comfortable sharing the big bed with him. Walter said that maybe the Master may want to have some personal space sometimes. I think that that is absurd. I know he likes it when I snuggle up beside him at night. At any rate we are all one big happy family here, everyone is welcome to sleep anywhere they like. I don't mind the Master sleeping on Duchess or any of my other sleeping spaces around the house.

Miss Kathrine and I have been getting more acquainted in the past few days and I must say that having a girl bed is quite different from a boy bed. Mister Ben was kind and wise, a strong character honed by years of drilled discipline and experience. Miss Miss Kathrine is warm and loving. I guess it's because she is a mother.

Warming up to Duchess

Duchess and I had to warm up to each other. She is quite the talker. She looks exactly like her mom only smaller. Duchess likes to tell the story of how she got the name Duchess. She was named after the shade of gold she and her mom came in, Duchess Gold. Ergo Duchess. 

She also likes to play games like “I spy.” and What color am I?”
What color am I goes like this…

“I am the sky,
the sea,
sometimes cheese,
I come with something borrowed,
and sometimes I am you
when you have cheering up to do.
What color am I?
Then I'd guess what color Duchess is referring to. In this case,  “blue.”
I much prefer to play I spy with duchess.

"I spy with my golden eye". Duchess would say while squinting one eye closed. "A clock with seeds of black and peel of Grey". Of course who could it possibly be except Mister Walter Mellon Collie.

Then Duchess would say "I spy with my Golden eye." Again squinting one with one eye so as not to be too obvious at what she is looking at. "A pretty fishie swimming about." Who else is she referring to but Flamenca.

I spy is a fun way to introduce the different residents of the apartment to both Duchess and Miss Kathrine.