21 September 2011

All is Well!

Wagging my tail to comfort the Master

I apologize for my absence. The readers from the blogosphere have been awaiting news from the apartment. No, it did not burn down. We are all still alive. We just had a close call. Specifically, the Master has been sick and has been in need of some care from yours truly.

The Master came down with persistent cough and bouts of asthma. Grandma, the Master’s mom has been calling repeatedly for him to go the doctor but to no avail. The Master refuses to go to the doctors. As he said, the only doctor that he is willing to see is the Dermatologist or a Plastic Surgeon. Well, the facial did relieve some of the congestion because of the steaming. The surgeon prescribed antibiotics before the liposuction, which he is not willing to take. So the Master has been has been self medicating with natural cures- lemon juice, ginger tea, and bananas. The bananas are for hen he gets crams on his stomach for too much coughing. Go figure.

I was almost fearful that the Master would die of hard-headednessWhat is a kitty cat like me to do? All I can do is be there for the Master. 

I casually walk beside him as he lays down on his side and I do the same leaning my back on his back. Wagging my tail to give him gentle pats reassures the Master that someone is there for him. Mr. Ben told me I did good because the Master is too proud to ask for help.

Me on the Mater's Chest
The other night when he was coughing really hard I really did not know what to do. Walter remembered he once heard that a cat named Catterina helped a poet named Edgar Allan Poe by sitting on his wife’s chest when they could not afford coal to keep her warm through the winter when she was sick. So I did the same for the Master. I think it helped. Good thing Walter was around. I never would have thought I could comfort the Master just by being there sitting on his chest.

The Master is well now and is busy with work. He s sending me to Grandma’s house for a few days whole he goes away. I look forward to staying with Grandma. I’ll miss Walter and the Gang. I wish we could all go and play with Coco, Grandma’s Doggie. But I’ll be back in the apartment in a few days. I’ll have stories to tell Walter and I’m sure they’ll have stories to share with me.

All is well and I can Sleep

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