11 October 2011

The Master is Such a Clown

Nosey Bump on top of the Cabinet
The Master is Back from Holiday and brought me the cutest coming home present. It's a circus clown nose.  I wonder though, because if it is a gift for me why do i not get to wear it? Only the Master gets to put it on his nose.

Nosey Bump on the Bed
I don't mind though. Because once it's on the Master calls me over for a nosey bump. Nosey Bumps are like eskimo kisses but much more fun. It's just one quick bump of two noses with a corresponding "hmmmmmh" sound of endearment. After a few nosey bumps I paw it off his face so we can both run after the big red ball. I let the Master win of course. If he wins he puts it on again and i get another nosey bump. That and I love pawing it off his face.

I'm glad the Master is back. I love my clown nose. It's the bestest gift ever.

The Clown Nose resting in his case after a long day of nosey bumps.

06 October 2011


Having a rest beside the window after a lot of waling around.

Grandma's house holds so many wonders. She has such a lot of stuff. Wandering thought the hole house I get to meet a lot of characters. Amongst the photos and trinkets on top of the piano is my favorite. Her name is Rhoda she is a cobalt blue porcelain pitcher adorned with colorful flower prints. She used to serve water, fresh juices, and sweet sangria in her heydays. She could hob nob with the best of the china and silver. Her bright personality could liven up any luncheon, afternoon tea, or dinner service. Even at the most formal of dinners where only white dinner wear is allowed, Rhoda's presence is always welcome. She has such color and life.
Rhoda and her floral patterns

Rhoda is now an old lady and is used as a vase. Instead of serving drinks now she holds water for flora. Her faded colors provides an excellent contrast to Roses, Gadenias, and Daisies. Even now in her golden years she can still brighten up your day. 

Rhoda, the dignified lady that she is,  relishes the fact that she is still of service to Grandma's house.

04 October 2011

My Best Friend at Grandma's House, Coco Woco

Coco... or "Coco Woco", as the Master calls her, wearing a hat given to her by the Master
that Nana insists that she wears.

I have been keeping myself busy at Grandma's house by teaching Coco how to jump on the Master's bed. Coco is Grandma's doggie. She's a black Shitzu-Poodle mix. She has long black hair. If she lays down motionless on the floor you'd think she was a rug, or a very dirty mop-head. 

Coco's favorite game is tag. Sometimes we both get confused on who's supposed to run after whom so we just end up running around the big dining table. It's all good fun.

I was surprised to learn that Coco could not jump. I myself could jump from the Master's bed, run to Grandma's room, and leap to her bed easy as pie. Coco can only do a small hop and stand on her hind legs so that he can see the top of the matress.

I made it my mission to teach Coco how to jump on top of the Master's bed. 

I told Coco it's all about thinking light. Imagine that you are an airplane taking off at full speed and that her hind legs are springs that shoot off off the ground, think you are lighter than air, and most importantly, land safely on all fours. Then act as if it's no big deal... this is shall we say the cat's touch.

She found it hard to run fast enough. To propel herself into srpingy action. Coco is on the voluptuous side. I guess this is a consequence of all the generous helpings here at Grandma's. A small price to pay for larger and more frequent feedings.

Being an an eager student, Coco is really easy to teach. First we practiced making a running start and jumping. Run and jump on the sofa was the first goal.This was easy enough for Coco, she's been doing it for sometime now. The sofa is her location of choice for afternoon naps. 

The next step was jumping on the living room table. Which was higher than the sofa, midway to the matress. After a few flumpy jumps or flumps, Coco was able to make it to the top of the table. Nana caught us on top of the table celebrating. So the practice session had to stop momentarily. Long enough for us to hear a scolding and for Nana to leave the room.

After a few more practice sessions, and in between snacks and rests, we decided to try for the bed. Coco and I agreed we would do it together so we could feed off each other's energy. So we did. In the first try, Coco chickened out of the jump so she ended up sliding under the bed. Second try, Coco's front legs made it to the top. She struggled with her hind legs to walk up the bed but Coco flumped onto the floor. The third try was the charm.

It was magical moment.  Bot of us made a running start. We were like Cheetahs running in the Savannah. We both made a springy jump and like eagles soaring we felt our wet noses getting warm with the flow of the wind. We both landed safely and with such lightness on top of the bed we could not help but feel like swans landing on a golden pond. What a moment of ecstatic achievement. Horray for Coco.

There was just one thing I forgot to factor in before we made the jump. Coco is an inside-outside doggie so her feet were not as clean as mine. I hope the Master looks at the bright side and appreciates the fact that Coco can now jump on the bed. Instead of getting angry at the doggie prints on his sheets.

Coco and I on the Master's bed, trying to figure out how to get rid of the dirty paw prints.

28 September 2011

Grandma's House

I’m enjoying myself in Grandma’s House. There’s so much room here. It’s a whole house just like the one I lived in before with my foster mom, Gia. Not a flat like the apartment. But, I do miss Walther and the gang. I hope they are all okay. I also hope that the shirmpies last until the Master comes back. He’s away now so he bought some shrimp for the fishies so that they have something to eat because no one is going to feed them in the morning time while he’s away.

I just gave out a "Meow" so I'm acting nonchalantly because Nana's
going to walk in anytime now to give me a scratch and a snack.

Grandma and Nana take care of feeding me in the morning and evening time. I like staying at Grandma’s. They give me bigger helpings of food than the Master.  And much more often. Nana, the Master’s nanny who’s been with the family for years, is also very cooperative. When I call her she comes immediately. She gives me a scratch on the chin and a snack. Don’t get me wrong I love the Master. He is always looking out for my health so he is very food portion conscious but he makes up for it with scratchies and huggiebugs. I could use a huggie bug right now... and a nosey bump!

I could use a huggie bug and a nosey bump.

21 September 2011

All is Well!

Wagging my tail to comfort the Master

I apologize for my absence. The readers from the blogosphere have been awaiting news from the apartment. No, it did not burn down. We are all still alive. We just had a close call. Specifically, the Master has been sick and has been in need of some care from yours truly.

The Master came down with persistent cough and bouts of asthma. Grandma, the Master’s mom has been calling repeatedly for him to go the doctor but to no avail. The Master refuses to go to the doctors. As he said, the only doctor that he is willing to see is the Dermatologist or a Plastic Surgeon. Well, the facial did relieve some of the congestion because of the steaming. The surgeon prescribed antibiotics before the liposuction, which he is not willing to take. So the Master has been has been self medicating with natural cures- lemon juice, ginger tea, and bananas. The bananas are for hen he gets crams on his stomach for too much coughing. Go figure.

I was almost fearful that the Master would die of hard-headednessWhat is a kitty cat like me to do? All I can do is be there for the Master. 

I casually walk beside him as he lays down on his side and I do the same leaning my back on his back. Wagging my tail to give him gentle pats reassures the Master that someone is there for him. Mr. Ben told me I did good because the Master is too proud to ask for help.

Me on the Mater's Chest
The other night when he was coughing really hard I really did not know what to do. Walter remembered he once heard that a cat named Catterina helped a poet named Edgar Allan Poe by sitting on his wife’s chest when they could not afford coal to keep her warm through the winter when she was sick. So I did the same for the Master. I think it helped. Good thing Walter was around. I never would have thought I could comfort the Master just by being there sitting on his chest.

The Master is well now and is busy with work. He s sending me to Grandma’s house for a few days whole he goes away. I look forward to staying with Grandma. I’ll miss Walter and the Gang. I wish we could all go and play with Coco, Grandma’s Doggie. But I’ll be back in the apartment in a few days. I’ll have stories to tell Walter and I’m sure they’ll have stories to share with me.

All is well and I can Sleep

30 August 2011

The Game of Cans

It’s been raining out so Walter and I invented a game so all the apartmentites can do something in lieu of going out because of the rains. Yes, we know that even if it does not rain we are still not allowed to go out but we’d like to think that we have the option to go out and play like everyone else.

The game is called Cans. Mainly because the players are mostly cans- Corned Beef, SPAM, Pork and Beans, Tuna, Milk, Chicken Hotdogs, Vienna Sausage, Potted Meat, and Cat Food. Walter has some misgivings with having some cat food on his teams but I assured him that they would be impartial. Just like I was assured that all the other cans, who are in his care in the pantry, would also play fair.

Walter and I formed two teams with the cans. We have five cans playing at a time with the other cans on standby. The playing space is five spaces wide and five steps from each other. Five can are in a line on each side. Then Walter’s team turn away while I hide one of Ursula’s coins under one can then we can form any formation two cans thick and three cans wide. Then our team faces the back while Walter team does the same. The object of the game is to guess where the other team hid the treasure.

The captains of each team- namely Walter and I- may command a member of their team or command a can from the other team to move one space at a time. In the beginning, one prioritizes to move cans of the other team so they break their formation and maybe during the movement reveal who is hiding the coin. It is also essential to move them away from each other so that they cannot pass on the coin to another can.

At any time during game play, you may interrogate a can to find out if he or she has the coin. Interrogation is considered a move.

During game time, the cans are allowed to move the coin from one can to another. But, they have to do it discretely.  SPAM cans are very good at covering line of sight. They are also good hiders. SPAM cans work very well with low lying Tuna Cans.

Moving the coin is risky but sometimes it is the only way to protect your treasure. The Corned Beef guys are very good at this. They have very good poker faces and can pass a coin like nothing happened. They are very serious at Cans. They hate losing.

If one is definitely sure which can is hiding the treasure you can challenge a can. The can steps forward to your side of the playing field then reveals if he or she has the can. If you are successful in making you challenge. You win the game! If not, the challenged can stacks another can from your standby team. Once this stack reaches back home base, they may unstacked and then you have 6 cans playing on your team during gametime.

Stacking is also allowed anytime during gameplay. But, there is a danger that the stack be brought to the other team’s side so that can becomes their player. A stack may be challenged at anytime so stacks of 5-6 may happen.

Pork and Beans are very boisterous players. They like it when the stacks get to an unreasonable height. They like to tease the cans till they topple over. Which looks dangerouns and some cans may get dented. But it's all in good fun.

The smaller cans- Potted Meat and Vienna Sausage- are giddy they can't stand in one spot too long but they are very good bluffers. We have a particularly excellent Vienna Sausage Can who can act as if he has the the coin or the the coin has just been passed onto him but is trying his best not to show it. Such a classic. We have to watch out for him.

One time Walter and I kept on challenging so that the other team could not gain possession of the stack. We ended up with two stacks 10 cans high. That's when Walter and I realized that we have to figure this game out further. 

25 August 2011

The Hot Chicks, Tini and Gras

The master caught me behind the curtains. I was talking with Tini and Gras. The two chicks who live just outside our window.  They sit outside the window raising the eye candy factor of the apartment’s window. The Master put birdhouse in between them hoping that birds would come near our apartment for us to stare at, but it does not seem to be working. The outside plants are much more effecting in doing that.

 Tini and Gras are very talkative. You’d think the birdhouse would stop them from chatting and getting to know each other more intimately but you’d be wrong. It is what strengthened their friendship I guess. Maybe it’s their chatter that scares the birds away. It’s okay though. They are cool chicks.

Some people think they are sisters, twins even. Both of them will object to this pointing out their differences that no one else can see but them. Only the bestest of friends can do this. Which is what they are. Really, really, really, good friends. So much the same and alike at the same time that only they can tell the difference.

Tini is the more talkative of the two, and Gras is the listener. Even after the three of us have just spoken. Tini will repeat the story and Gras will listen as if she heard it for the very first time. She is very respectful that way. She likes hearing things from different perspectives.

At night Tini tells Gras bedtime stories to help her sleep. Even if a birdhouse divides them them Tini’s beautiful stories lulls Gras to sleep taking her far far away in a world where they both of them live in their very own chicken coop and tell stories side by side, maybe even sharing a warm cup of tea together.

23 August 2011

Water Talk

Having a rest after Water Lessons. Me on top of the cabinet.
Walter on top of the water container. The fishies in the water tank. 

Walter is standing by the fish tank making faces at the fishies. If it had a sound it would sound like this...

“Wawawawawa.Popopo. Wa ew pop”

I told him that the master forbids teasing the fishies.

He told me he was not teasing the fish. He’s talking to them. I did not know he could talk fish. It was such a pleasant surprise. I always wanted to play with the fishies. Not I am much closer to doing that if only Walter could teach me how to communicate with them.

This is so exciting. Walter can teach me fish.

Walter told me that he talked water not fish. That explained a lot, he is a watermelon after all. I later found out all water creatures be it from fresh or salt water, living in, or made of talk water. Since Walter is partially made of water it is a language that was passed onto him along with speaking melon.

Talking water is strange but it makes no sound. It is a visual language based on the movement and shape of the lips and mouth. It’s very smart actually. Convenient for fishies to communicate without being heard by predators since sound is carried longer and at least 5 times faster in water. Water also magnifies up to 33 percent so you can talk to someone from afar without really being heard. Water creatures are so intelligent.

“Baba” is Hello. “Popop” is “How do you do?”

I am having a hard time speaking Water. My teeth are getting in the way. It reminds the fishies so much of the sharp teeth of Baracudas and Sharks that they get scared. I’m lucky that I have Walter to explain things to them.

19 August 2011

Ursula, the Keeper of Lost Coins

The Master brought in the inside plants back inside. Rapunzel II, Bethany, and the newbie Fortune enjoyed the rains and some sunshine outside but now it was time to get back inside the apartment. Walter noticed something peculiar. All the plants are in pots but not all pots have plants in the Apartment. There was one pot where my playmates the Pings lived along with other bric-a-bracks that the Master gives me to play with. There is also this other pot that does not house anything. It sits in the apartment with all the other precious things. It seems very important to the Master.

Its a painted pot with a picture of a lovely lady with sunlight tresses, sky blue eyes, and a long slender fish tail that shines like a bright moonless night illuminated by a million stars of different colors-reds, green, yellow, violets, and blue. As I learned, this is a picture of the Ursula, the Mermaid keeper of lost coins.

Ursula, the keeper of Lost Coins
Coins are very inconspicuous. Oftentimes, we have so many that you hardly notice that you dropped one. Sometimes, they are so precious that we hide them so valiantly that we don’t even know where we put them. 

Coins magically roll out from the city, along the roads and streets. Inconspicuously avoiding being trampled by people who are too busy to notice. Rolling alongside cars and bike, even buses. Sometimes stopping with the traffic. They roll and roll so many of them that if someone only looked down and hard enough he would make a fortune. 

All of them make their way to the seaside and beaches so that the waves lead them to Ursula. 

Ursula wakes up every morning and collect coins from her garden. She finds then in between the cockles, seashells, and starfish. Along the rows of seaweeds, corals, and anemonies. Like a lady tending to flowers in a garden. She picks them up and places each one in a purple ermine bag very careful not to disturb the sea creatures resting alongside them. The mindfully considers each one. Each coin is unique to Ursula. 

Ursula's Ermine Bag 
Ursula brings all the coins from all over the world in the magical cavern where she lives. She has so many purple bags in her magical cavern some of them bursting with coins. Ursula has never bothered to count or sort the coins. What for? To her they are all the same. Gold, silver, platinum or copper all of them will serve the purpose of bringing good cheer to people who deserve them the most.

If you’ve ever walk along the sidewalk and suddenly you spot a coin. That coin came from Ursula. She gives coins to people to cheer them up. Sends coins to wish you good luck. Or when you feel like it’s your lucky day, she gives you cause to shout out “Hey, a lucky coin. It really is my lucky day!”

Some people miss the magic. Some people get it. Some people will look at the coin Ursula sent them and rate it for it’s value. What a lovely feeling it must be to find one of Ursula’s coins. To be reminded that someone somewhere is thinking of you and sends you a happy thought. That feeling that a little magic has gone your way.

In the apartment we also have a bowl where the master keeps his loose change. I always wonder how many of those coins came from Ursula.

17 August 2011

Screen Door

I was standing beside the screen door and I thought how easy it is for me just to scratch my way out of the apartment and explore the outside. I stepped outside once before. But the Master did not like it.

The master arrived carrying a lot of groceries. I gave him my usual hello “Meow” which he always thinks is a cry for food. I think he’s projecting. He’s always hungry when he gets home. He goes straight to the fridge getting a drink or something to eat. Sometimes Walter and I make bets on which food item he’ll go for first. Walter usually wins. He has a better grasp on the Master’s eating habits and the refrigerator’s inventory.

I think the Master was too caught up with the groceries that he left the big blue door open. The screen door was ajar and for the first time the outside plants were so excited to see me un-blurred by the metal screen. They were soo happy to see me in full color that they called me over for a hug. I got a few steps away from the blue door. The smells were so different form the inside. So much fresher and not everything smelled like the Master.

The pots smelled different, more earthy. I took a whiff of soil, it was moist and grainy. I also put my nose against Bethany and she smelled so nice- fresh, green, and I guess… planty!

The Master screamed at me. I never heard him so angry at me. He explained that once I cross the doorline I will turn into a stray cat and lose all my princely powers. He grabbed my by the back and carried me inside. He dropped me on Mr. Ben and I hid under him.

Later, Mr. Ben explained that since I was 7 days old I have lived inside and I would never survive in the big big world. Mr. Ben and Walter told me that unlike outside kitty cats I do not have the instincts to survive outside and if I lose my way I would not have the capacity to find my way back home. If that’s what princely powers are all about then I gladly abdicate them for a chance at seeing the outside.

I guess the Master was only concerned for my safety that’s why he screamed at me. But, how will I learn about the outside if I don’t go outside? How will I be able to find my way back home if I don’t actually leave home? What are Princely Powers anyways?

10 August 2011

The Master has a Monster!

Have you heard of the saying that there are monsters under your bed? It is actually true! I have met the Master’s monster. His name is Rocky!

Mr. Ben the Bed introduced me to him just the other night. Everyone has a monster under the bed. It is actually quite a common thing. They are not there to pull you under the bed and swallow you whole. Unless that is what it takes to protect you. I think that maneuver gives them such a bad reputation. But it is actually all for the best.

They are big and strong creatures. They are there for you when you feel sad or lonely, when you are sick, or when you just need a friend to hug and hug you back. You monster is always there for you.

Each monster looks different. Depending on what their Master think is both terrifying and amusing at the same time.

The other night was particularly challenging for the Master, he was down with a fever and the weather was really bad. It was cold in the apartment and outside it was raining very hard. Then suddenly a loud sound and a bright light came out of nowhere. That’s when Rocky sprang into action. He jumped out from under the bed with his big big fiery eyes, sharp sharp teeth, and humongous paws that turned into molten whip-like claws of lava. He looked like a big bulldog but much much bigger and scarier. He is almost bigger than Mr. Ben! He roared to the lightning and thunder to go away... “Keep away from the Master for he is sleeping and he needs his rest!”

I myself was thrown off the bed. I was under the impression that the Master was being attacked. I was about to jump on this creature and scratch his eyes out. Good think Mr. Ben was there to explain things to both of us.

Rocky has been with the Master all his life. He is a cuddly monster. Scary when he needs to be but otherwise he is very
fuffy and smells like toasted marshmallows.

When the Master was young Rocky was the one who caught fallen teddy bears and put them back in is arms. He walked beside him through bouts of sleepwalking and blind trips to the bathroom. When the Rogues come, Rocky is there to stake his claim and send them away. Rogues are other people’s monsters who have gone astray and have decided to be other people’s monsters whether they like it or not. Rogues are no match for Rocky. In extreme cases of nightmares and exorcism, Rock can even jump into the Master’s dreams and battle with demons. He’s done it a couple of times.

The Master has some weird demons Rocky explained. Rocky asked me if I’d like to learn how to jump in the Master’s dreams and send the demons away. He could use all the help he can get in there. I told Rocky that I’m up to the challenge. We rubbed cheeks on it, now we are bonded for life.

09 August 2011

The Plantastics

Rapunzell II and I Plants make strange sounds when they take a bath. Like water landing on crisp paper. The leaves give off a crisp splat sound or a hollow TONG, sound. We Cats don’t make any sound when we bathe.

The Master brought all the plants out because the rains have come. The plants love the rain. The Master makes it rain with the watering can and the plants enjoy it immensely.

Bethany, Fortune, Rapunzel II, are now visiting the outside gang- Rapunzel I, Lourdes, and Lala. Lala is Bethany’s mom she used to be an inside plant until she became too big to be inside. She did not get too fat or anything but her pot did get too heavy for the Master to carry. Herb suffered the same fate. He now sits beside Lala atop the landing above the stoop. I don’t think they mind being outside at all. It’s not much different from inside only out. I really is about two feet away from the door. When I look out, I still get to chat with them, and I think I have much more to tell them about the happenings inside. All the Plantastics are such good listeners.

The inside group leave it up to me to tell about the happenings to the outside group. They are much too busy enjoying the sunshine from the shade. Direct sunlight makes them burn. I tell the stories through the screen door when the master leaves it open.

08 August 2011

My Friend the Mellon

W. Mellon Collie, being a Watermelon Shaped Clock with Legs, is the keeper of time and the refrigerator. Guarding over the cookies, caramels and sweets and other goodies. His weapons include the can opener, knife, spoon... but he is partial to the fork. Multi pronged and easy to operate, “Wooo-shaaaa!”

Mr. Collie is friends with Ari the Cat. Although they don't really talk other’s language proficiently- one speaks cat and the other speaks fruit. They enjoy a camaraderie that is markedly cat and melon, watermelon to be exact. Mr. Collie is pedantic about that detail.

Ari and Walter are very much buddies. They spend the day watching over each other. Making sure each one is at the least having a sunny day. Ari roams the apartment making sure everything is in order. Whilst Mr. Collie valiantly watches the pantry, including Ari's food and water bowl.

Air reciprocates this kindness by bringing the freshest news from all over the apartment including the latest gossip about the fishies in the fish tank- Portia, Flamenca2, and Dee.

Mr. Collie loves all of Ari's stories. As a great keeper and guardian. Air's stories are both entertaining and relevant to his vocation.

That is life in GF1 a.k.a. the apartment. Everything comes to life. Everything has life. You should hear Ari the Cat's stories about the Pings. The ping-pong balls who live in the clay pot. Such a happy bouncy bunch.